Zack Maya

Maya Zack (1976, Israele), artista e filmmaker, vive e lavora a Tel Aviv. Dal 2008 insegna alla Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem. Tra le mostre personali: Counterlight, Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Aviv (2016); Outlined Absence, Manifesta 10's parallel projects, Taiga Space, San Pietroburgo (2014); The Shabbat Room, Jewish Museum, Vienna (2013); Living Room, The Jewish Museum, New York (2011); Made to Measure, Galleria Marie-Laure Fleisch, Roma (2012); Mother Economy, The Jewish Museum, Media Center Gallery, New York (2011). Tra le mostre collettive: Das Kapital. Schuld – Territorium – Utopie, Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlino (2016); Bibliology, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Israele (2015); Back to Berlin, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Israele (2014); International Photography Festival, Israele (2014); The Drawingroom, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck (2014); The 3rd Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Mosca (2012); Pluriel-Regards sur l'art contemporain israélien, Villa Emerige, Parigi (2012); Magic Lantern, Israel Museum, Gerusalemme (2011); Heimatkunde (How German is it? 30 Artists' Notion of Home), Jewish Museum, Berlino (2011). Ha ricevuto importanti premi e riconoscimenti quali: Isracard and Tel Aviv Museum Prize for Israeli Artist, Idud Hayetzira Prize – Israeli Ministry of Culture, Adi Prize (Adi Foundation and the Israel Museum Jerusalem), Celeste Kunstpreis Berlin, Israel Lottery Council of the Arts, CCA Tel Aviv.

Maya Zack. Counterlight
 19/09/2016  al 19/11/2016

MLF | Marie-Laure Fleisch è lieta di annunciare Counterlight, seconda personale di Maya Zack in galleria dopo quella del 2012, in cui viene presentato…
